Plenary Session
Keynote Speeches

Plenary Talk 1

Title: "Platform for Experimenting Green Data Center Networks"
Speaker: Prof. Nguyen Huu Thanh (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)

Today’s Internet consumes approximately 1% of the world’s electricity, and this energy consumption is growing as the Internet expands in reach and capacity. Similarly, the energy consumption of cloud computing infrastructure and data centers is growing in response to the ever-increasing demand for more cloud services. The talk is divided into two parts. In the first part, motivation behind current researchs on Green ICT will be addressed. After that, main issues and research directions toward greener data centers are discussed. In the second part, some results of our research in the framework of the project ECODANE (Reducing Energy COnsumption in DAta Center NEtworks based on Traffic Engineering) are to be addressed. The focus of the talk will be the ECODANE testbed that enables experiments for energy-efficient data centers based on the state-of-the-art OpenFlow technology.

Short Biography:
Nguyen Huu Thanh received B.S and M.Sc in Electrical Engineering from Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 1993 and 1995, respectively. In 2002, he received his PhD with summa cum laude in Computer Science from the University of Federal Armed Forces Munich (Germany). From 2002 to 2004 he has been with the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communicatio Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin, Germany. In 2011 he was visiting professor at San Jose State University (USA). From 2004 Nguyen Huu Thanh is professor in the School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. He is also the Chair of IEEE Vietnam Section, member of the Radio-Electronics Assoication of Vietnam (REV), the Korea Information and Communications Society (KICS). His research interests include radio resource management in 4G systems, QoS/QoE, the Future Internet, energy-efficient networking and software-defined networking.

Plenary Talk 2

Title: "Augmented Reality 2.0 toward Ubiquitous Virtual Reality"
Speaker: Prof. Woontack Woo(KAIST, Korea)

In this talk, I will introduce ‘Augmented Reality’ and explain it in the view point of a new concept, ‘Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (UVR)', which is realized by 1) 3D Link between dual (real & virtual) spaces with additional information 2) CoI (Context of Interest) augmentation with Multimodal content 3) Bidirectional Interaction in dual spaces. I will also explain some core technologies (such as 3D modeling, recognition, and tracking of 3D objects) and then demonstrate possible UVR applications such as DigiLog Book, Digilog Miniature, CAMAR Tour, dual Space merging, etc. Finally, I will share my perspective on the future direction of UVR in the view point of real-virtual symbiosis.

Short Biography:
Woontack Woo is a professor in the Graduate School of Culture Technology (GSCT) at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea. He also has been the Vice President of the Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing (since 2011), Vice Chair of the CG&I Society in the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (since 2010), Vice President of the HCI Society of Korea (since 2008) and Vice President of the Korea Computer Graphics Society (since 2008). He received his BS in Electronics Engineering from Kyungpook National University (KNU, Daegu, Korea) in 1989 and his MS in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, Pohang, Korea) in 1991. In 1998, he received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-Systems from University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA. In 1999, as an invited Researcher, he joined Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR), Kyoto, Japan. From Feb. 2001 to Feb. 2012, he served as a Professor in the School of Information and Communications (SIC) and Director of Culture Technology Institute (CTI) at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea. The main thrust of his research has been implementing ubiquitous virtual reality in smart space, which includes Context-aware Augmented Reaity, 3D Vision, HCI, and Culture Technology. He coined the terminology, "ubiquitous virtual reality (UVR)" and initiated UVR Lab at GIST in 2001. Since then he has developed various augmented reality applications such as "DigiLog Books, DigiLog Miniatures and DogiLog Spaces" and published more than 300 papers in major journals and conferences.
Contacts (E-mail ):
Korea: Hyunsik Ahn (
Vietnam: Tran Xuan Nam(